Ticket Hub

Use our website to
plan your own event
We are so excited to introduce our NEW reunion Ticket HUB package,
which is available to classes NATIONWIDE.
With the Hub package, you have the flexibility to completely plan your own event, but still take advantage of our website and resources to host event details, promote reunion, and sell tickets.
The Reunion Committee Will:
- Set Up a Personalized Class Page on Our Website
- Email Invitation and Email Reminders Throughout Planning
- Maintain Class Database Throughout the Year
- Collect Monies via Phone, Our Website, and Mail. Money Collected will be Mailed to Planner as Needed
- Provide Scanned Copy of Class Yearbook for Planner to Make Photo Name Badges
- Provide a Printed List of Classmates Attending
- Provide Updated Class Database After the Reunion
Optional Services Available:
- Staff the Reunion
- Laminated Photo Name Badges
- Postcards
- DJ
- Photography Services
- Memory Albums
For more details on each of our services, please read more.